Saturday, February 16, 2013

UPDATE: 02/16/13

For our class session on 02/19/13, please look back over the Tyrone Williams poems I posted on the blog last week. I would also like you to read the Charles Gabel poems that appear in the most recent issue of the online journal alice blue review.

In addition to the above poems, please bring O Holy Insurgency to class with you. I'd like to discuss Thursday's reading and, perhaps, a little more of her book.

Finally, I would like to remind you that, if you have not already done so, please purchase a copy of Phil Metres's Abu Ghraib Arias immediately. You can only buy the book through Flying Guillotine Press's website. Also, I uploaded a few poems from Metres's chapbook Ode to Oil as a PDF file, which we will be reading as well.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

UPDATE: 02/13/13

By 9PM tonight, please email me three questions for Mary Biddinger. As discussed in class, the questions should be broad enough that they allow Biddinger to expand/expound upon your inquiries; but they should also contain references to specific poems, lines, or concepts so as to offer her concrete examples of your line of questioning. Be prepared to ask her a question during the Question-and-Answer segment after the reading.

As a reminder, our class session, which will double as Biddinger's reading, will take place in the Guilford Hall Parlor.